Influencer Series
The Jill Collective
If you follow @thestellabluegallery on Instagram, you know that she collects the most beautiful, bohemian-inspired items. We were so excited for her to style our Jill Collective and speak to her about her love for keepsakes and crafting the life she loves.
Q&A with @thestellabluegallery
Tell us about the things you collect?
When it comes to collecting, there really isn’t a rhyme or reason to what catches my eye but I always seem to gravitate towards textiles, random vintage trinkets, and earthy neutral baskets and wooden bowls. Ceramics and pottery pieces, vintage and new hold a special place in my heart and I try to support local artisans in our community as often as possible. Music though. That’s a whole different level of collecting. From vinyl records to guitars and musical instruments and memorabilia, you name it, I collect it, but nothing gets me running faster than a tip from a friend that there is a new batch of vinyl records at the local thrift shop.
What special meaning do your keepsakes hold for you?
It’s funny. Each piece tells a story to me. I love to look around our home at the things we have gathered over the years and reminisce about the day I found that piece. Sometimes the story to me is more important than the piece itself. Something about finding a keepsake out “in the wild” whether it be at an estate sale, a thrift store, or passed down from a family member or friend, as opposed to finding it in a big box department store has a extra little special place on my heart.
What values do you curate in your community?
Smile. Smile and be positive and polite. Listen to a stranger you’ll never know what you’ll learn from them. Hold the door for someone. Say good morning and nod hello. Give back to your town, and donate your time when you can. Support local artisans and small businesses. Life’s to short. Don’t be in a hurry if you can help it, we’re all going to end up at that red light at the same time.